MAPCU Education Fair Life in PWTC

Callister email said need part time crew for education fair.

No consider, just said "ok".
Work for non profit organization or work for volunteer i tried many time, work as part times that have $ is 2nd time. This time is a good experience for me, gain a new event experience for me and also know more friends.

Actually i got try to do part time work, but my mum dont allowed me after i do for 3 days. You ask me to do in those shopping center promoter or restaurant waitress, actually not really like, i also duno why. Well,i like those exhibition crew or event crew or some say is more into program type work.

Share some photo:

Meet Adam, The Hitz Fm DJ.

Working in my college de Dubai guy --- Owais

My Fm DJ.

People who look like my 2nd brother.

Still had some photo still not yet get it, well, share to you guys lately. :)


Anonymous said...

Event always is your interest, is not because of 1 people. Interest is interest, but cannot study it, remember, event is just your part time job. Study hard.


双鱼座的死鱼 said...

Yo~Who are you la? Talk like my ex and why you know i because of 1 people only like event de? Ya la, event is my interest, not because of that people, but is because of that people let me know what is my interest.

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