Quite many time my mum asked me what type of 21st party i want. My mum will ask me is not weird, because my 2 brothers had their 21st party in KEC ballroom. I tot that its a coincidence because the company owe my family business money so that my brother got the opportunity to do that. Perhaps its not a coincidence, but my mum still will asking me, she said that no reason that i have no opportunity to do it.
Few weeks ago i gave my 2 friends to had a suprise birthday, actually is a sudden idea come to my brain, if anyone want me to think urgently, i just can say, well, need to see got the fate or not la. I dont have the mood to think about my 21st party celebration and also i tried to escape because still long time to go.haha!
Just come back from a friend and also Buddhist Family members birthday in Pelangi Court pool side. I think is the time to let me have some brainstorming on my own 21st birthday celebration. Need to tell my mum, i think she need to have some preparation, is not the expenses problems cause i will not make it like my brother party so big. Maybe also need to give her some souls preparation. If got the idea, i will post in my blog.